As much as I would love to sleep in when I am on vacation I just can't do it...neither can Gabe. We are so adjusted to waking up early for work and with the kids that 8am in sleeping in for us. Since Josh and Vickie had no problems sleeping in and Gabe and I were wide awake we decided to get on our swim suits,grab our robes, a bottle of pink champagne we had in the room and head out to the hot tub!
We can't take glass to the pools so when we checked into the pool area they were nice enough to give us some plastic cups for our champagne and a couple of HUGE pool towels. They was about 2 other couples in the hot tub. The water felt great especially complimented the cool brisk air.

We found a place to eat and had a nice brunch and then we went back to the Golden Nugget for some rounds of Keno in the Keno room...Josh won like 84 bucks off of a few bucks...not to shabby. We mingled around for a little while before heading back to our rooms for a little cat nap and some getting ready for the night events.
I took this shot of Vicki as we were all getting ready cause her eyelashes looked so great! Josh had made big dinner plans at Benihanna at the Las Vegas Hilton for celebration In honor of Vickie Birthday! A group of 12 of us were all reserved. Greg and Maria rented a 10 person limo to drive us up and down the strip and to the restaurant for her bday gift.
The limo ride was pretty cramped for the 10 of us..but the vodka and cranberries were flowing.
I wanted to do these photos in black and white.
There was a lot of funny stories and jokes being told. It was a fun ride.
Gabe and I in the Limo
We finally made it to Benihanna and did a big toast to Vickie on her birthday!
We had to take up 2 tables
That was the rest of our group at the other table..what a bunch of Misfits !! We love them!
Our sidekicks for the whole weekend!
Gabe and I!! Man I love my new vintage cut out gloves!

It was entertaining to watch them prepare our meal.
Love this onion volcano! We ended up seeing Gabe's brother Andy there with his friends. For some odd reason Andy was wearing a wig...
When dinner was over and we were waiting for our taxi to take us back to the hotel Josh decided to try on Andy's hair piece...HYSTERICAL!
Saturday night was the Rally's big All nighter jam packed with Dj's and The Untouchables playing a set. I watched the band but did not stay long. I was so bloated and full from dinner and has having some intestinal issues that I told Gabe I needed to go back to the room and go to bed. he was tired too so he was fine with it. Still we were back at the room at 2:30am..I guess that is early for Vegas!

that is awesome that you guys were able to chill in the jacuzzi with a drink in hand!
Awesome that you guys got a limo in Vegas!
you guys really painted the town!!!
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