Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Countdown to Mod's Mayday

Well it's May..time for Mods Mayday which there are a few this year. Saturday we went to the Countdown to Mod's Mayday. It was pretty fun.
We got there right before the band started. The Wooly Bandits were awesome. Just enough time to grab a cocktail and say hello to some friends. Gabe and I drank in the car before we went in..hahahah just like old times!

Hillarie and Jesse. I like how Hillaries dress matches the wall in the background.

We missed Michael's DJ set..booo...

Another band called the Odd Squad played later on..This guy was all over the place! Dancing in the crowd, on the stage, on the tables.

He got people kneeling on the floor waving their hands in the air...Hiram and I were joking with our friends DON'T DRINK THE KOOL AID

They brought out a drum which everyone was banging on...started to look like some weird cult following going on here.

Gabe and I were like..Umm we need another drink Stat this place is getting crazyyy.

Hanging out in the patio telling ghost stories with our friends..We took this picture of Hiram but really we were trying to get a picture of Sean's twin in the background LOL

Towards the end of the night it was time for some dancing..just as I was getting my groove on the lights turned on and it was over.

We lurched around the parking lot for a bit with our friends before we hit the road.

There was a San Gabriel Valley Vintage scooter ride the next day but we didn't make it..kinda bummed about that but we will be riding the scoots for Mod's Mayday. I can't believe it has been since 99 (when Mod's Mayday came back around) that I been doing these Mod's Mayday events. No matter what though nothing will compare to 99's event at Fais Do Do and the after party at The Farmer's daughter!

1 comment:

April Folan said...

I loved your dress on saturday! Im a sucker for big white collars on black dresses :)

Hope to see you soon!